Natural England has updated the National Landscape Character assessments on their website.
Wherever you are in England you are in one of these areas, which has a particular character.
Each NCA represents an area of distinct and recognisable character at the national scale.
The information contained within the NCA profiles aims to help guide land management and other activities to strengthen character and resilience, responding to pressures such as climate change.
I was born in Area 38: Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire Coalfield
I studied in Area 37: Yorkshire Southern Pennine Fringe
I trained as a teacher in Area 41: Humber Estuary
My first job was in Area 69: Trent Valley Washlands
The first home I owned was in Area 76: North West Norfolk and my school was on the very edge of Area 46: The Fens
I spent three years working in Area 37 - Yorkshire Southern Pennine Fringe, when I worked for the Geographical Association.
I now live in Area 84: Mid Norfolk, and my current school is in Area 46: The Fens
What numbers have you lived in?