I have uploaded these resources as a supplementary resource to the resources that are contained in the KS3 Teachers' Toolkit book. You will need to purchase the book to get the full value out of these presentations. It's available from the GA Shop. (Members get a big discount of course...)
They will be available to download for the next couple of weeks, as I am going to use these in my presentation on the 31st October at the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers conference (SAGT)
the second is a list of possible travel writers who might produce inspiration for the extracts that might be used in this lesson...
Travel Books And Writers
The first is a lesson activity using a booklet....
Journeys Through Landscapes
View more presentations from GeoBlogs.
the second is a list of possible travel writers who might produce inspiration for the extracts that might be used in this lesson...
Travel Books And Writers
View more presentations from GeoBlogs.