Plenty of ideas for looking at landscapes here...
The latest version of the OS Mapping News magazine has just dropped on my desk.
The latest version of the OS Mapping News magazine has just dropped on my desk.
Good to see plenty of information relating to the work of the GA, and some familiar names.
There was a report on the OS Free Maps for Schools: in 2008-9, a total of almost 700 000 free maps were requested.
pp. 8-9 has an article on geocaching, which I have done several times, and is a good 'geographical' activity to do with young children
pp. 10-11 features Val Vannet's excellent 'My Patch' activity using Get a Map and Geograph
pp. 14-16 features Tim Bayliss and Lawrence Collins' look at accessible GIS for schools
pp. 26-29 features my article on 'Bringing Maps to Life' based around the Ronald Lampitt-illustrated book 'The Map that Came to Life'
Final session has plenty on the GA projects, Living Geography conferences, and the Annual Conference plus launch of 'a different view'.
The latest version: SPRING 2009, can be DOWNLOADED FROM OS WEBSITE.