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Showing posts from June, 2017

The Second Brightest Star

A surprise new album from Big Big Train, to be released on Friday, just 2 months after the previous one... Liking this first track, and the theme of the album “Our writing over this period has focused on the English landscape, the people that work on the land and their folklore stories." This album: “explore landscapes, rivers and meeting places and take the listener on voyages of discovery across the world and to the stars.” Also looking forward to seeing them live later in the year...

Mountain - the trailer...

Lauret Savoy on landscape

Lauret Savoy, author of Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape, talks with Associate Editor Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky about seeing with new eyes, how landscape leaves its traces on us, and the unvoiced history of the American continent. Savoy argues that contending with both the beauty of American landscape and the violence of American history requires recognizing that the power to segregate memory has worked in concert with the power to segregate people throughout American history, and how a fragmented understanding of human experience on this continent has led to an artificial separation between ideas about nature and ideas of race, concepts that were intimately connected even before this nation began.