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Showing posts from April, 2011

#ukcside - the British seaside...

The seaside is an essential part of the British "cultural landscape"... Another great collaborative Twitter project response... Yesterday, I asked colleagues who follow me to provide some descriptions of the British Seaside... Words that appear larger were mentioned more frequently by the word cloud generator. First of all a WORDLE - click the image below to be taken to the Wordle page... Here is a Tagxedo version of the Wordle... Click for biggery... Thanks for all the contributors. What words would you choose ?  How could you use this diagram as a resource in the classroom or for a homework task ?

Doreen Massey Landscapes Essay

Thanks to @JoeMoran for the tip-off to a Doreen Massey essay on landscape - part of a larger blog project: The Future of Landscapes... One to make you think... I don't pretend to understand all of it, but there are some nice sections and links to a film project.

GA Conference 2011 - University of Surrey, Guildford

A number of posts are appearing over at my LIVING GEOGRAPHY blog on the follow-up to the GA Conference 2011. There were some wonderful sessions.... but enough about me... Anne Greaves has started to post resources from the conference on the GA WEBSITE . Image by Bryan Ledgard Copyright Geographical Association Plenty of interest for teachers of physical geography and landscapes... Also a chance to see the GA TOOLKIT books on the GA stand...